TO MY CALIFORNIA FRIENDS. You are in my prayers. I hope that you escaped harm and will think of you during the recovery.
I had a crazy busy weekend, so I didn't have a post ready for you. Never fear, I am reposting one of my top visited posts. It is certainly in my top 10 list.
I don't believe there is anyone that doesn't love equestrian decor in some form. Whether it is Ralph Lauren or a rugged barn in the middle of nowhere, there is just something classic about all things equestrian. ENJOY!
Back in stock! Navy and Pink.

Wow Teresa....well done!! So gorgeous...I LOVE equestrian anything and the decor is spectacular and Ralph is a master! Prayers for everyone in Cali, so scary....a blessing it happened so early in the morning. Have a great day.
You know this post is right my alley!! Especially as we get ready to send the oldest back to college with her four legged partner"Kieran" ! Fall is such an equestrian season, just love it! K
This is one gorgeous post, Teresa! I love every single image and am such a fan of equestrian style. Makes me wish I was a horseback rider and has me excited for fall!!
Horses and everything that go along with them are just so chic. They have to be the most fabulous animal :) Well... Maybe tied with zebras. Thanks for all the pretties! xo Kristy (P.S. That was my mom that posted earlier... I'm not going crazy and commenting twice!)
I DO love this equestrian post Teresa! Thanks for so many great I mages!
The Arts by Karena
Hi Teresa, Oh my, you are speaking my language! Love this post. I have never seen those pony beds made like jump standards. How cute. xo, N. (The Lady's Life)
So nice of you to mention the people in CA - my relatives are there. I hate earthquakes :(
Hi Teresa,
Favorite post ever. I love the rooms and equestrian style is always a favorite. I maintain that I grew up as a rider in England in another life! :-)
Thanks for your kind concern. A dear friend of mine has both adult children living in the Bay area, neither, thankfully, were impacted. It's such a tight community, I'm sure Napa and affected areas will back to normal in no time.
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