Now, I am the one in love with Lilly. Don't get me wrong, I love their clothing, paper, jewelry, shoes, bedding, and all thing Lilly, but the new furniture line has me crazy in love!
This is just a few of the pieces, so visit here, here, here, and here to see more, and like them on Facebook here. ENJOY!
I am dying for this chair!
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Follow the links above for more.

I love Lilly and have a huge collection of Lilly dresses. I wore Lilly yesterday and have some new Lilly on now. Might need to get a little Lilly furniture too.
Wow! I had no idea they had a furnishing line as well! I really liked it a lot! I will definitely check it out! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend!
I'm so with you on this! I want all of it. That wide stripe sofa is so cute!
I can see why you and your daughter love Lilly so much. I am also dyeing over that chair! Love...
Teresa love love this line!! So crisp and of course colorful!
Art by Karena
Artist Series 2012
I love Lilly! The furnishings are wonderful. Love those chairs.
Agreed. I love that chair, and their fun line of furnishings. Thanks for bringing this back to my attention. I am going to dwell on each . Have a great weekend. Hope you make those crab cakes!
xo Nancy
Gorgeous, I love the colours! And did someone mention crabcakes - the best that I have ever tasted were at a resaurant in Long Island - I love them along with bagals they are to of my US food list :-)
Bon week-end à toi, Leeann
I loved this line!! I got to see her showroom at High Point, and it definitely didn't disappoint!!! Hope you are having a great weekend Teresa!!!
I just love the color and great patterns. That chair is fabulous. I don't blame your daughter one bit!
Isn't that wing back chair just fabulous?! I love that her colors and patterns are so fun! She has this round ottoman that I saw at High Point that has show storage!! It was so cute!! Have a great weekend Teresa!!
I can't BELIEVE I've never visited you before. I just came over from Carla's link love. I have seen your name many times in other's comments, but I must confess, I have fallen into a bit of a rut, for some months, with limited time, visiting blogs I am familiar with. How glad I am that Carla linked to you and got me over here! Your blog is lovely. I'm your newest follower, and so glad to do so.
i love the colors....
so PALM BEACH, and Nantucket, Connecticut,MAINE and every other lovely holiday location.
fresh fresh fresh
love it
Teresa - I love that lacquered Chinoiserie chair, too! Such a cool update on a classic chair. I would pair it with a wooden table. I look forward to seeing the pieces at stores. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. L
Yes, Loi! I would use it a my desk. I just love it. I also have a similar one in mind!
I hope that all is well with you, friend.
I love that table, is that a pull-out drawer?
I think that it is an extension, Michele. I will find out.
I have to admit that I am not a huge Lilly fan for my home decor yet I love seeing her designs in magazines. I guess because I have a more traditional taste some of her ideas seem a bit modern to me. But the one thing I do like about her is that she is not shy when it comes to colors. Love the pink on those walls!
I love,love,love the green and white striped chairs!! And the white Chinoiserie is very pretty also. Thanks for sharing!!
I forgot all about Lilly so I'm off to have a browse since I'm looking for a few things. Thank you for reminding me of this fabulous store.
Enjoy your day Teresa!
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