Sunday, December 18, 2011


A little housekeeping here...
If you see strangely spelled words or crazy interpretations, I promise I haven't lost it.  As much as I love my Apple technology, I would greatly appreciate it if they would let me write what I would love to say.  I know that all of you who own iPhones or Macbook with Lion know what I am talking about, but for those of you that do not, anise should be "a nice" and your is not "our" and cookies are not "copies..."  I believe I have already shared the "catheter" story.  I am certain they will eventually fix this problem.  When there are pages dedicated to this problem, it is time for change.  Apple is the best.
While you are at home for the holidays, enjoy these beautiful blogs. ENJOY!


  1. I know what you mean about your computer thinking for you, drives me batty. Mine tries to out think me and write for me ending up with words with to many vowels. I'm off to visit a couple of the blogs you've listed that I don't know about. Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. Oh Teresa you gave me a good laugh...SO true about Apple, drive me NUTS!! A few weeks ago I texted somthing to my builder and instead of saying "I need to show you a few things" it typed out much to my horror,
    "I need to show you a few thongs"!!!!!!!! Thankfully he knows me well and knew I would never write somthing like that and we both laughed (me with a very red face)
    Such beauty above.....blogland is one stop shopping for all things beautiful and inspirational!

  3. I love that you do this! It leads me to some new and wonderful blogs that I'm not aware of. Thanks for sharing. Hope your holiday season is going splendidly. xo

  4. thanks for the laugh this morning!!! :)
    love all your fabulous blog links and images..especially love the blue ans white ginger jars et al...
    happy Sunday,

  5. Oh yes, the auto correct drives me nuts!! But it's a trade off for everything else I love about my Apple devices! Love seeing all this beautiful holiday inspiration. I'm way way behind on everything so need to catch up today!!

  6. Teresa - You are so kind! I am very honored that you chose my blog, and that is in such lovely company with these other blogs. Thank you very much. You should see some of the craziness that using German words on English software or vice versa comes up's not pretty! Thanks again Teresa - you made my day! :)

  7. I'm considering going with a new Macbook for Christmas. I guess I'll be finding out all these little glitches soon. These are beautiful images. Love the blue and white, the tartan, the silver tree, and that baby! So cute! It does remind us of what Christmas is all about. Lovely, Teresa!

  8. goodness me !!! did i have fun going through this post and visiting all the blogs! thanks a bunch!

    Tassels Twigs and Tastebuds

  9. Happy Holidays and thanks for stopping by my blog, Teresa!

  10. Teresa....thank you very much! I had no idea you had posted about my shop because guess what....I've been way too wrapped up in my own little Christmas Stresses! Not to worry! Parties are over...our family lit the advent candle today at, no more nightmares of me falling down the steps in front of everyone....and now I can hopefully, even with the basketball tournament....focus on the True meaning of Christmas! And realize all that I have to be grateful for! Thank you for caring about ( both) of my blogs! I really appreciate your wonderful support and encouraging comments! I especially appreciate your laughter...your hints at how to make it better....but mostly, your friendship!
    much, much love!!!!

  11. Oh, my sweet friend!

    You can imagine how happy I felt when I saw my little one here, right? How nice of you!!! I love this picture. Matthew was just born and my husband took it. It's incredibly special to me.

    Thank you so much for making my day! You're a very dear friend to me.

    Have a Very Merry Christmas, Teresa!!!


    Luciane at

  12. Please remove my image from your blog immediately as well as my business name as a label and link. Your recent comments have made your blog an inhospitable environment for my work. I'm sure all of he homosexuals in your labels feel the same way, so you'll definitely be hearing from others. I'm putting the word out... "With love".


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