Friday, February 24, 2012


Ok, before we get to the gorgeous tablescapes, let's tend to some business!

WHO in their right mind created these security fonts (or whatever they are) that you can't read? A person with 20/20 vision couldn't read it! Can you imagine what your face looks like while you are squinting and moving your head at different angles to read them, and then you stop looking for a minute and go back? FINALLY! Oh wait... you got it wrong dummy, do it again! I just want you to know how much I love you to go through this to leave a comment on your lovely post. Once in a while I just give up.

Now on to my continuing saga about Apple's auto-correct. Below is a piece of a comment to Brooke at V&L. "Love learning more about you over at Tina's! 'alienated lady you are."' That was typed as "A talented lady you are." Can you imagine what was going through Brooke's mind when she read this? Oh well, she knows that I think the world of her. This is just what I have caught recently.  Some of you may remember the catheter ordeal. I now think nothing of what I see. First thought, auto-correct. They can't blame this on my southern drawl. Now I feel better, a little. By the way...I just checked this and had to change it.
Your guests will feel special when they know that you have taken the time to create a spectacular tablescape.  These are some of my favorite table transformations. ENJOY!

Sources here!
AND PINTEREST on the sidebar!


  1. Gorgeous (as always) Teresa! There is nothing like looking at a beautiful tablescape - the layers the levels... the interest!
    And I am right there with you on the word verification - I turned mine off because I hated it on everyone else's - this has gotten out of control. It takes longer to verify words than to write a comment! Where do we complain? I think I will add your first paragraph to my post today (I hope you don't mind!) SPREAD THE WORD - DON'T VERIFY A WORD! LOL Thanks so much for sharing - have a great weekend!

  2. Beautiful tablescapes something I rarely do. I like to keep things simple with candles, wine and food and being able to see what's most important our friends we're enjoying our time with! I had to laugh at your mention of the wording thing google is making us do...HATE IT!

    Happy Friday!

  3. Amen to the pain in the as* security fonts! Crazy. LOVE LOVE LOVE table #2!! Makes me long for spring! xo

  4. I agree, Teresa! Those security codes are completely illegible. You have some stunning tabletop decor here. Definitley a fave of mine too! Have a wonderful Friday!

  5. all beautiful tablescapes...can't decide between the all pastel one or all white one..

    I'm with you on those security words :) happy weekend!

  6. OMG Teresa.....I am DROOLING!!!!!!! SO beautiful. Then you had me laughing and nodding my head in agreement over the ridiculous word verification. That is an outright joke and an insult to our intelligence:) I cannot tell you how much time I am spending trying to decipher these words...its crazy and sadly is keeping me from visiting some of my favorite blogs! Do you think this is bloggers way of wanting to do away with it and the "blogger mafia" has planned this? LOL...ditto with "Apples own language" some of the translations are just crazy.
    Technology, can't live with it and cannot live without it!
    Have a great Friday.

  7. I need a button that says...Pin All! These are just fabulous!

  8. Stunning T. I love tablescapes. And they are so much fun to do!

  9. These are absolutely gorgeous and would be impossible to pick a favorite or even 5 favorites.

    Yes...that word verification thing is driving me nuts...I laughed out loud when I red the part about what we might look like squinting to decipher the words...yikes!

  10. So agree, that word verification 'thingy' is driving me nuts!! Many times I just have to move on!! You've chosen some lovely tablescapes! New friend here!! Drop by for a visit sometime!!

  11. I am just catching up on some blogs and the verification thing drives ME CRAZY. I love all these tablescapes especially the fancy china on the rustic table. You always have such thoughtful posts, Teresa.

  12. I love these Theresa, especially the candlelight ones. And as for auto correct, I've mortified myself more than once by not proofreading my comments!

  13. What a beautiful way to start the weekend!
    Those pale pink hydrangeas and
    Happy Weekend Teresa!

    xo xo

  14. Teresa, First I totally agree about the codes of protection or whatever they want to call them...I read a blog post that Good Life of Design did about them last year and turned mine off. Guess what? Nothing blew up and I have not had any problems. It's sooo much easier visiting the blogs that don't use it. And next I love every single tablescape that you have chosen. I so agree...You just feel really special when someone goes the extra mile. Have a great weekend. XO, Mona

  15. So many lovely images, but I think I like the blue and white china with the tulips most, and I have it all on hand!! Love the contrast of the rustic table.

    Thanks for the inspiration.

  16. Teresa, This made me laugh so hard -- I had just been complaining to my husband moments ago about how hard the "anti-bot" script is getting to decipher... and don't even get me started on the perils of auto correct!

    Lovely collection of tables you have here - I think setting the table is one of my favorite parts of planning a party - of course the blue and white ones are my favorites!! Happy Weekend!! XO

  17. I love this post!! I'm loving the blue and white tables capes the most; the first one especially!!!

    Happy Weekend!!!

  18. Wonderful tables capes!! The first blue and white photo is fabulous; and I loved the one with the gray/whitewashed wood paneled walls.

  19. Amen! The default fonts drive me bonkers on here as well. Too many fabulous type faces out there to be stuck using what we must. Gorgeous pictures. Wish I knew whose was whose so I could go shopping!!

  20. Teresa,

    Beautiful table settings! The pale pink hydrangeas, roses, and tulips are gorgeous. I really like the all white setting and the blue/white china.

    I agree about the ridiculous word verification. Sometimes I feel like I need a new pair of reading glasses!

    Enjoy your day!


  21. I may have died and gone to heaven-if just for a minute or two. Thank you.


Thank you for you comments!
Hateful comments with improper language will not be posted