Friday, August 29, 2014


Because I have been so busy this week, I am posting former posts that were loved more than most. If you haven't seen this post, I feel certain you too will love it.  ENJOY!

Victoria magazine's 
Victoria Classics Monograms, Linens~Stationery~Silver~China is one of the most beautiful publications I have ever laid eyes on and read.  If you love monograms, embroidery, silver, china, and stationery just a hint as much as I do, you will add this special edition magazine to your collection.I received the issue Thursday and have spent two days pouring over and loving every page.

Below is just a small sampling of the beauty that fills the pages of this keepsake.  You will also find guides on the laundering of linen, the proper measurements for linen napkins, resources, and so much more.  I have provided the link to purchase this classic issue at the end of the post.  ENJOY!

Thank you so much Lynn!

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