Friday, April 20, 2012


Yes, I am jealous that some of my blogging friends are off at Highpoint taking in all of the latest style, but I am happy to be here with you, friends.

So, it is obvious that blogger didn't get our message about the encryption!  I am seriously going to have to get computer glasses.  I am sure you have heard about them.  So, after two tries, I am done until I get the glasses.  Love you, but!  Don't get me started again on auto-correct!  Who are these people?

Now, on to the good stuff...

I love being able to hand pick dining rooms for you!  These are some more of my favorites.  ENJOY!

To see more visit here.


  1. Wow many beauties. I love the more colorful ones, all that gorgeous saturated color is amazing looking. You picked some winners. I hear your gripes, I do not like the new blogger platform either..hate change and am not happy:( Hope you have a great weekend.....

  2. All of them are so beautiful. Love the first one. Have a great weekend, Teresa!

  3. Hello Teresa

    I love the images you have chosen and some amazing rooms.

    Hope your weekend is spectacular.
    Helen xx

  4. Hi Teresa - I want to go to Highpoint, too :( Maybe next season. Love all those dining rooms: I'd have a dinner party every weekend!! Cheers, Loi

  5. Beautiful photos, Teresa! I always rely on you to keep me up to date in the blogging world so don't stop now! No, I haven't heard about computer glasses and you certainly are doing a great job with your blog without them in my opinion! Have a great weekend and thanks for the wonderful pictures!

  6. So very opulent! It gives me great pleasure to peek into these fabulous rooms. You are showcasing some beauties.
    I agree with you on the new blogger look. I don't care for it at all.
    Enjoy the week-end. Linda

  7. These gorgeous rooms make me want to cook up a fancy dinner and through a party!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! XO

  8. Seriously, WHY does anyone have those word verifications on their comment forms? I mean this is such folly. And, WHO has time for this? I love leaving comments for my friends, but when I see this I want to scream. Do any of us get serious SPAM or adverts? Anyway, now to be seated at one of your beautiful tables for a cup of tea.

  9. God I hate word verification. But I do not know what the computer glasses might have to tell me!

    1. Stacy-
      The eye doctor can prescribe a pair. I have heard that they make all the difference in the world!!
      I am on the computer all day, and the codes really tick me off!

  10. You seriously post the greatest images... just followed you on pinterest..

  11. Teresa, I can see that you have diverse tastes in style. So do I. All the featured dining rooms are lovely. I recognized quite a few and enjoyed this post immensely. I have had "SPLENDID SASS" on my blog roll for some time and would love for "JOY of NESTING" to be on yours! It is absolutely gorgeous here in California today. All windows and doors are open and house is being cleaned. Hope you enjoy this wonderful spring weekend that's upon us! Shiree'

  12. Teresa,

    Gray is always beautiful. But then I say the "green" dining room and I must say - what a happy room (and I don't even like green that much!)! See what you do - you inspire me - and make me open my eyes!!

    Warm hugs to you and Happy Weekend, girlie.


  13. Absolutely stunning, Teresa - as always! Thanks for sharing. You know, I turn that stupid word verification off and some how it defaults back on! I think it is a conspiracy! I HATE IT - and I don't even need reading glasses... it is a Chinese water torture in disguise.
    Hope you have a marvelous weekend. Jalon

  14. All so pretty, but must admit the first pic is my favorite!! Love the dark wall color.

    My dining room has been out of commission since New Year's....due to our renovation....but I think I'll have it back in a couple of weeks. Can't wait!

    Happy Weekend!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  15. These are all so elegant, Teresa. Thanks for your sweet comment - you're always so encouraging! Hope you have a great weekend! xo

  16. Great living room photos. I have received so many emails from various companies promoting their products at High Point this weekend. I really feel as though I am missing out not going...maybe next year.

  17. Love the dining rooms and while all beautiful the first one is my favorite. Get some glasses Teresa after all if I have to use them you can too...;)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  18. Once again gorgeous rooms!! Have a fabulous weekend. Wish you were here at High Point; would love to actually meet you!!!

    1. So you are one of the ones there, Christy. I AM JEALOUS!! Take a lot of pictures.

  19. Such beautiful rooms! The first one is my favorite and I love the red chairs in the fourth photo from the bottom. I hate those word verifications too. I turned them off on my blog once I realized how annoying they are. I should look into those computer glasses. I have noticed that my eyes get really dry after being on the computer for too long. I read that it's because most of us forget to blink while we're staring at a computer screen. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


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