Wednesday, April 11, 2012


If you follow my blog, you know that I love the work of the uber talented interior designer Alessandra Branca.  She is one of the few designers that I would let design an interior for me without input.  Ok, well not much input.  I may want my cake plate in a different spot, or a photograph in a more prominent place.  You don't know how many times I have designed my home with these red and gold colors.  Not just red and gold, these reds and golds.

There are so many images to share of Alessandra's work, so I will run two consecutive posts on her work. I don't think I will hear any complaints.  This is me readers.  This is what I love.  ENJOY!

I hope that you enjoyed this post!!  Be sure to like me on Facebook and also become a follower.  Both are on the side bar!  Thank you!


  1. Alessandra is an amazing designer. She has such an effortless style that combines at once, both antique and modern furnishings, which is such an inviting and warm look. I'm your newest follower. Would love a visit from you if you get a chance!

  2. I love reds and golds too because they are so warm. LOVE the dining room. xo

  3. Love Branca's work, and her web shop is soo cooll!! Great post!

  4. One word. STUNNING! That red dining room is just gorgeous. xoxo

  5. I love her flair in each and every room and the bedroom with the dark floors and zebra rug is fabulous!!

  6. Such beautiful work. I love the graphic stair runner and the beautiful dining room with the chinoiserie. She does amazing work.

  7. Stunning, Teresa! Thanks for sharing and have a great day! Jalon

  8. Love her work. She is so creative and her designs are always interesting.

  9. She is so talented! I love her signature red shades SO much.

  10. So many beautiful her old world approach to decor, that will no doubt stand the test of time. Fabulous rooms!

  11. she is an amazing talent, and i love the images you spotlighted!


  12. Oh my Teresa you had me at the gold and red girl! I am in heels and all when it comes to that combo... so naturally I am enjoying these rooms immensely! My palette is almost identical. Love love the ocher or old gold walls and a splash of red for some pizazz! Now I want to see the other post! So gorgeous this.


  13. Wow, just gorgeous! I really like her style of decorating, it's very grand but still cozy.

  14. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I love her fresh take on traditional!

  15. oh Teresa! Im in love with all these photos! Thank you so much for sharing them. I love her style, completely.
    Powellbrower home
    Im a new follower !

  16. These photos are great! I'm new here... browsing around and decided to comment instead of lurk. :) I LOVE the look and feel of your blog so far- off to check out some more! Happy week, sugar! xo

  17. could you not?! lovely...I could spend a lot of time looking at all of these details..thanks!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  18. Amazing! I love the bed in that first bedroom, the antiqued mirrored screen and the bold black and white stair carpeting - great ideas!

  19. Amazing rooms. I've long admired her work but I haven't seen half the images you posted here. Nice editorial. Shiree'

  20. Wow, stunning!! I am a huge red and gold fan too. I'm obsessed with that black daybed in the second to last photo. It's exactly what I've been looking for to put in my office/guest room.


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