Monday, October 4, 2010


Occasionally, I run across the work of an interior designer that I admire.  This is true of Jeffrey Bilhuber, and I want to share some of the rooms that I love.  These photographs are from different homes over the years that Jeffrey has created. ENJOY!

I hope that you have enjoyed these rooms.

See you soon,

Images via NYSD and House Beautiful


  1. Hi Teresa
    Well his work is certainly diverse!! which would make him a great designer being able to adapt to the clients' needs..

    I wonder what that blue box thingy is at the end of that bed... it looks quite interesting but can't make out quite what it is.. a chest of drawers???

    Sorry I've been so absent.. I've had no internet for the last week... horror!! hahaha.. take care xxx Julie

  2. FAbulous!!! so glad you put all of these pics up!! With a shop, a 16 year old, etc... its hard to read all of the magazines and books on designing that I would like to!!! Its so nice to have you take me right to the places that I love!!! Especially the bathrooms!!! WOW!!! Just showed my husband the tub in front of the huge windows... wish I could re-do my bathroom right now!!! Your posts are wonderful!! One of these days I'm going to get the nerve up to ask you alot of questions about blogging!!!! would love to have you visit my shop one day!!! and I would LOVE your advice!!!!
    carolyn bradford

  3. Carolyn, I would be glad to answer your questions and see your shop. I will let you know before my next visit!
    Thank you for you sweet comment.

  4. that bath has long been one of my favorites!

  5. I adore his work, and it was wonderful to see so many of his houses here - terrific post!!

  6. I am loving the checks!! Checked walls.. yes please!! xo


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