Friday, November 8, 2019


by Patricia Mears, Laura Jacobs, Jane Pritchard, Rosemary Harden, and Joel Lobenthal
Photography by Matthew Mead 
and Michael Hunter
Foreword by India Hicks
Vendome, $60.00
October 2019
Reviewed by Teresa Hatfield
Author, Splendid Sass

When this book arrived, I was thrilled!  I spent the rest of the day poring over every page. Not only do I love ballet, I have spent my life in tights, not because I am a ballerina, because I’m not close, but because the clothes are chic and comfortable! 

When I arrived on the pages with Degas’ work, I melted. He is one of my favorites, and I admire his work. There are numerous paintings of ballerinas throughout, and numerous photographs of designs created by the best fashion designers. Just think about a stroll through the 19th and 20th centuries. That is what you get here. 

This book is written by Patricia Mears, Laura Jacob, Jane Pritchard, Rosemary Harden, and Joel Lobenthal. These five have shared their knowledge of the influence fashion has had on the fashion industry. It is beautifully put together, and I hope that you ENJOY!