Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Charcuterie: Pates, Terrines, Savory Pies

Pates, Terrines, Savory Pies
Recipes and Techniques, From the 
Ferrandi School of Culinary Arts
Flammarion, $40.00
March 2023
Reviewed by Teresa Hatfield
Author, Splendid Sass

Inside the world-renowned culinary school FERRANDI on charcuterie is an entire course that includes cooked terrines, pates, and savory pies. In this seventy recipe guide with all of the needed instruction, students are also taught to prepare doughs, sausages and other meats. 

The school’s teaching staff, which includes master chefs, wrote the cookbook so that home cooks would have a less difficult way to learn to prepare meats, fish and vegetables along with the above recipes and techniques. There are 200 pages of  illustrations for the new chefs to follow. 

Below are the images I have chosen for you. Enjoy!