Tuesday, July 9, 2013



I put few things off, but exercise is one task that I struggle with.  I have always been active, especially playing tennis, but tough workouts are not my favorite.  3 weeks ago I started working out with the first Jane Fonda video, and if you are 40 or above, you have most likely friended this devil at least once.  It is always my go to for getting into shape fast...until now.

I pretty much ordered everything you need to turn your home into a Pure Barre studio, including the bar.  It was an investment, but I am serious about this, and I would love for you to follow along.  I would like to learn about your workout too.

I will be posting weekly about progress and thoughts, and will also include workout clothes, shoes, drinks, food, etc.  This will be a major lifestyle change for me, because I am from the south, and we love our southern cooking.  I plan on eating one southern meal a week. As my Mother would say,  "This is my big meal."

I will be sharing healthy recipes for healthy meals and snacks. I hope that you will join me!

This week's latest finds are Smooch and Smart Water!  I have been adding Smooch to my smoothies, and it really helps me!  I add yogurt, an apple, a banana and Smooch with 3 cubes of ice and it is wonderful!

Athletes have gone bonkers over these pouches, and I can see why.  My favorite is the Mango, Pineapple, and Banana, but they come in several flavors.

Smooch is great on top of your cereal, straight out of the package (which is how the athletes consume it), in smoothies and any other food.  Chia seeds are what got me addicted.  If you haven't heard about the benefits of chia seeds, read up.  Each gel packet contains 3 fruits, chia seeds, and acerola.

You can purchase Smooch by the links below for 12 packs.  I hope that they will be in grocery stores soon!

Smart Water is pure water with nutrients and electrolytes. Thats it! I can tell you that it has helped me hydrate, and since I have electrolyte deficiencies at times, it is perfect.

You can buy it in grocery stores or below.

Let me hear about your health plan and any great healthy recipes you have.  If you miss any of the fitness post, you will be able to find them under the label "fitness."

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  1. I have heard so much about pure barre and the classes in my town are always full. Can't wait to hear what you think about it as I am one of those that lost my baby weight, 28 years ago from Jane Fonda...excitied to follow along!

  2. Sign me up...I really need to get motivated as well. I have worked out my entire life until last September hit...we had a tragedy in our family as well as our business is in a high gear that just doesn't slow down...So now haven't worked out for almost a year...You are going to motivate me! Thx

  3. This is sooo exciting! I cannot wait to hear more. I had taken a few classes, LOOKS easy but boy is it a workout. I cannot wait to hear more, I will following along with you Teresa, good job!

    1. Thank you, Tina!! Yes is is difficult! Wasy on the joints though.

  4. I would love to follow along and hear more Teresa as I am always in need of inspiration to be healthier! I wish you well!

  5. Yes Teresa, I just ordered the Smooch in Strawberry/ Blueberry. After 7 hospital stays, I am still doing rehab and have not gotten stronger; only to find out I have severe Asthma! Now have inhalers and am more determined than ever to get strong and healthy! Lets do it!

    2013 Artists Series

  6. Every year, my doctor says "Everything looks great. But let's try to make exercise a priority this year." Ha. Never happens!

  7. Look at you Ms. Splendid! Look forward to sharing your journey. Still sticking to my 7 minute workout/day. Doing solider push-ups now!

    Summer hugs to you pretty lady.


    1. Proud of you, friend!! You are in much better shape than I am!

  8. i wanna do pure barre with you (and also want to share that southern meal with you!)!!! hoping they will add a class soon at my gym and am anxious to follow you on your journey. i love a good smoothie and mine include chia seeds too!

    so excited for you and will be cheering you on.


  9. Good luck with your program. Are you doing the pure barre workout at home? Is there a video you'll be following? I'll be interested to hear more about this. I'm usually pretty okay with exercise but lately I've been letting it slide. Not good.

    1. Kim, there is a collection of ten videos. You just choose your favorites! There is a collection of equipment too.

    2. Oh, and yes I am doing the workouts at home. Bought the bar too.

  10. Way to go Teresa! It does get harder with age, but I joined a gym with Bethany and we are doing weights and zumba and yoga/pilates. Ive walked for many years now but adding this will help with my ageing. I want to start making smoothies a regular meal..I wish you the best and will look forward to these inspiring updates!
    xo Nancy

  11. Good for you, Teresa! It's hard, but it feels so good once you get going, right? We exercise as much as possible out of doors - hiking, biking, kayaking. In between, I'm totally addicted to Barre! I do Barre3 at a studio here in Seattle (just got back from my 6:15 AM session). Glad you have been able to make your own studio in your home. Have fun! XOXO

    1. It does make you feel so much better!! You are far ahead of me, so just drop a few tips along the way!
      6:15? You are dedicated!

  12. A great idea to add your recipes and workout regimen! Look forward to hearing about the progress!


  13. A great idea to add your recipes and workout regimen! Look forward to hearing about the progress!


  14. I'm so impressed, Teresa! I'm not a fan of exercise, and I need to change my attitude! I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of this program.


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